Machu Picchu awaits you! New daily capacity of 5,600 visitors to explore this Peruvian wonder

Machu Picchu limita el ingreso a 5,600 personas diarias:

Machu Picchu awaits you! New daily capacity of 5,600 visitors to explore this Peruvian wonder

A new protocol for tourist visits to Machu Picchu has been announced, which establishes a maximum limit of 5,600 people per day. This means that only that number of people will be able to enter the famous archaeological site on any given day, in order to preserve its integrity and ensure a more comfortable and safe experience for visitors. The measure has recently been made official by the corresponding authorities.

Ministerial Resolution No. 000207-2024-MC, signed by Leslie Urteaga, head of the Mincul, confirms what had already been previously announced regarding the maximum capacity for visits to the Machu Picchu llaqta. According to this resolution, only 5,600 people will be able to enter per day.

As established in Ministerial Resolution No. 000207-2024-MC, issued by Minister Leslie Urteaga, what had already been previously announced regarding the limit of daily visits to the Machu Picchu llaqta is confirmed. According to this resolution, only a maximum of 5,600 people per day will be able to enter the archaeological site.

The Ministry of Culture has given its approval to the protocol established for visits to the Llaqta of Machu Picchu . According to Ministerial Resolution No. 000207-2024-MC, signed by Leslie Urteaga, the different types of permitted circuits and the maximum limit of people to be able to visit this important tourist area in the imperial city of Cusco have been established.

The recent resolution has confirmed a previous news about the visitor capacity allowed in the city of Machu Picchu. It has been established that the maximum daily capacity will be 5,600 people from June 1 to October 15 and from December 30 to 31, 2024.

At Easter this year, the Ministry of Culture made an unusual decision by allowing an increase in the number of visitors to 5,000 per day, even though the limit is normally 4,500 people. However, with this new resolution, the maximum number of visitors has been allowed to reach up to 5,600 people. see Ministerial Resolution 000207-2024-MC or download  5568322-rm-000207-2024-mc

Machu Picchu: Establish check-in time to Machu Picchu with a tolerance of 30 minutes

New routes have been established to visit the citadel of Machu Picchu.

Starting in June 2024, the Ministry of Culture will make changes to the tourist circuits to visit the Machu Picchu llaqta . This measure will come into effect from June 1 of the same year.

On the other hand, the established routes will continue to operate until May 31 of the current year.

You must also note that the maximum tolerance for entry is 30 minutes in low season and 45 minutes in high season, after this time they will no longer allow entry.

Machu Picchu awaits you New daily capacity of 5,600 visitors

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