Tour Qeswachaca – Last Inca Bridge

Cusco, Perú

1 Día




4500 msnm

Tour type:


Max. People:

10 Min - 15 Max

Tour Qeswachaca

At an altitude of more than 3,700 meters, breathing becomes difficult and the headache persistent. In this remote part of the Andes, there is a splendid work of Andean engineering measuring 28 meters long and 1.20 meters wide that persists in modernity.

A tradition that for the rural communities of Huinchiri, Chaupibanda, Choccayhua and Ccollana Quehue has survived for more than five centuries thanks to the intercession of the divinity. “If we do not build a new bridge every year, we risk provoking the wrath of the Pachamama and the Apus, who every June have the task of rebuilding the Inca bridge that still persists in modernity.


The Inca bridge of Q’eswachaka is the only one that still exists. It is located about three hours from Cusco by car, in the province of Canas. Adventure and culture lovers should visit this place, appreciating the fact that it is the last of a tradition that has been carried out annually for 600 years, it is living history.

People who have the courage have the opportunity to cross the bridge which measures 28 meters and is made of coya (bunch grass) and sticks and is attached to the original foundations of the Inca bridge. This is the experience of a lifetime. As part of this memorable journey into history we include visits to the “baby” volcano Yanaoca and the Ccarañahui Caves.

Sites to visit:

  • Inca bridge Queswachaca

Tour Details

  • Type of trip: Adventure, ecological, scenic and cultural.
  • Departures: Daily departures.
  • Season: Every year.
  • Duration of the excursion:1 day.
  • Group size:2-8 persons.
  • Altitude:3,800m
  • Difficulty: Easy

From: $35/ per person

Low prices guaranteed. Select the date and number of passengers
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